
Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

How to Choose Foods That Help Maintain Your Beauty

Being the largest organ of your body, your skin deserves to be nourished with the right nutrients to sustain optimal health. An increasing number of studies have shown the benefits of eating certain foods to enhance a healthy looking skin and overall well being. And the best of all this? Looking good need not cost a fortune, tastes great, doesn't require painstaking effort or involve too much time!
  1. Rehydrate your skin and body and preserve your health with green tea. Even caffeinated green tea hydrates you, which helps keep your skin hydrated too. It is loaded with antioxidants (catechins),and these naturally protect your skin from the sun's damage (but you should still take appropriate protective sun precautions as well) and the antioxidants are a basic bodily defense against free radicals that age your skin and body. Active ingredients that stimulate the metabolism can also be found in green tea; a good metabolism will in turn burn away the excess fats, helping to keep you slim and trim. And green tea can help preserve your mind and slow its aging process, which in turn can help you to feel more beautiful because you're not struggling to remember things or fretting about dementia.[4] Many different forms of green tea are available in the markets and a great selection of different types is available for you to choose from, included flavored and seasonal green teas.
  2. Slow down the aging process with vitamin E.
    Slow down the aging process with vitamin E.
    Slow down the aging process with vitamin E. Vitamin E is an important anti-aging antioxidant and can help slow down skin aging.It can be found in foods such as pumpkin seeds, dry roasted almonds, other nuts and seeds, and small amounts of quality vegetable oils.
  3. Keep in top form with omega-3.
    Keep in top form with omega-3.
    Keep in top form with omega-3. Omega-3-fatty acids help to keep your face smooth with their anti-inflammatory properties and your hair shiny and in good condition.Omega-3 can be found in a range of foods such as: cold-water fish (tuna, salmon, mackerel, trout, herring, sardines), flaxseeds, and walnuts.
    • Reduce inflammation and redness of the skin. Salmon and its oil contains skin beautifying omega-3-acids that hydrate and help to reduce the redness and inflammation of the skin. Salmon also contains selenium, which helps various skin problems and overall skin health.
    • As well as omega-3 fatty acids, other essential fatty acids should be included in your diet to strengthen your nails and skin and to reduce inflammation around the nails.Such fatty acids can be found in evening primrose oil, borage oil, flaxseed oil, and fish oil.
  4. Enjoy omega-6 as another source of skin replenishment.
    Enjoy omega-6 as another source of skin replenishment.
    Enjoy omega-6 as another source of skin replenishment. Have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich—just make sure the bread is whole wheat and the jelly is added sparingly. Peanut butter is a rich source of omega-6 fatty acids, which come in a close second to omega-3s when it comes to protecting skin from aging. Avocados are good source of omega-6, too.
  5. Rejuvenate your skin cells and keep your body in top form with tomatoes.
    Rejuvenate your skin cells and keep your body in top form with tomatoes.
    Rejuvenate your skin cells and keep your body in top form with tomatoes. Tomatoes are full of a red pigment known as lycopene, which appears to act as an antioxidant.This antioxidant helps to neutralize free radicals before they can cause damage and this can benefit good skin health; it can also protect the skin from ultra-violet (UV) stress. Tomatoes also contain fiber and vitamin A, which can assist the development of skin cells, while a vitamin A deficiency can lead to dry skin. Tomatoes are also full of fiber, which also helps keep your body in great shape. Cooked tomatoes can provide access to more nutrients than having them raw but either way, cooked or raw, these fruits will do you a world of good.
  6. Strive for skin that is more elastic.
    Strive for skin that is more elastic.
    Strive for skin that is more elastic. Oranges contain vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that mops up free radicals, such as those caused by overexposure to the sun, or those coming from the carbon monoxide released by moving vehicles etc. Free radical damage leads to premature aging of the skin and vitamin C is a great way to give your skin and body a boost. As well as oranges, other citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C or vegetables such as bell peppers.
    • Choose bioflavonoid-rich food for the stimulation of collagen production. Collagen helps the skin look younger and plumper, and keeps your gums tough for good teeth health. As well as oranges, foods high in bioflavonoids include broccoli, cantaloupe, and black tea.
  7. Stay hydrated and keep your skin smooth.
    Stay hydrated and keep your skin smooth.
    Stay hydrated and keep your skin smooth. Drink lots of water and regulate consumption of dehydrating beverages that contain caffeine and alcohol. Aim to drink half your body weight of water in ounces every day.
    • Alcohol may seem innocuous enough when you're looking to unwind but its effects on your skin are anything but. Alcohol dries out skin, and leaves it irritated and sallow-toned. It reduces the sparkle from your eyes, leaving them duller and with too much alcohol consumption over time, the white areas of your eyes can appear yellow and tired.
  8. Find suitable sugar substitutes
    Find suitable sugar substitutes
    Reduce your sugar consumption. Also known as "white death", sugar isn't really what our bodies have in mind when it comes to good nutrition. Sugar plays an unfortunate role in causing skin to sag and wrinkle; it does this by attaching itself to the collagen and elastin in the skin, causing it to become brittle and to break. Another beauty slam from sugar is the creation of dark, under-eye circles.
    • Want a beautiful smile? Avoid eating too much sugar! Keep your pearly whites in perfect shape by keeping sugar to a minimum; sugar encourages the cavity-causing bacteria to hang around your teeth and drill away causing decay. And be very careful of juice; it is just a very concentrated source of sugar and some juices have even been shown to cause more damage than cola! However, drinking or rinsing with black tea is good for your teeth, as the polyphenols in black tea seem to reduce plaque build-up.
    • Balanced blood sugar keeps you healthy and looking great.
  9. Reduce skin inflammation with cucumbers.
    Reduce skin inflammation with cucumbers.
    Reduce skin inflammation with cucumbers. Cucumbers are often used as the base in both commercial and home-prepared beauty products such as face masks, gels, and toners. Cucumbers have soothing and cooling properties as well, and their high water content provides a great source of hydration for skin that leaves skin looking softer and plumped.
    • Papaya can also reduce skin inflammation, as well as slough off dead tissue, and improve scar formation, when applied to the skin; it also has a gentle exfoliating effect when added to skin beauty products.
  10. Reduce your sources of stress with good nutrition.
    Reduce your sources of stress with good nutrition.
    Reduce your sources of stress with good nutrition. A stressed lifestyle can impact how you look, causing you to appear rundown, tired, and unrefreshed. As well as tackling sources of stress and getting adequate sleep, you can increase your stress resistance by increasing your vitamin C intake, cutting out junk food, sugary treats, and fatty fast food; instead, eat a nutritious diet.
  11. Boost your immune system.
    Boost your immune system.
    Boost your immune system. Foods like fresh fruit and half cooked vegetables (steamed, etc.) boosts your immune system. In turn, this creates a healthy body and aids overall healing. Foods high in vitamin C are essential to help the immune system grow stronger.
    • Blueberries, goji berries, and other berries are also loaded with vitamin C and immune-boosting antioxidants that stimulate collagen production that keeps skin smooth and supple.
      Blueberries, goji berries, and other berries are also loaded with vitamin C and immune-boosting antioxidants that stimulate collagen production that keeps skin smooth and supple.
      Blueberries, goji berries, and other berries are also loaded with vitamin C and immune-boosting antioxidants that stimulate collagen production that keeps skin smooth and supple.
    • Be sure to get adequate vitamin K and zinc. These nutrients help your skin to repair itself, and zinc is known for its ability to prevent acne and improve the immune system. Oysters are one high source of zinc.
  12. Eat a rainbow-hued diet.
    Eat a rainbow-hued diet.
    Eat a rainbow-hued diet. No dietary supplement or nutrient alone can provide you with beautifying benefits. To get the benefits in their entirety, you need to consume a rainbow-hued diet that picks up on the many fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and other healthy foods in a variety of ways. The benefits are a variety of great tastes, an interesting diet, and a beautiful you.e
Source: www.Wikihow.com

    How to Maintain Health of the Eye

    Taking steps to maintain healthy eyes will help you keep your vision and also promote overall health. Many things that promote eye health also improve general health, including eating right, exercising, taking vitamins, drinking enough water and getting adequate sleep. Visit the eye doctor and take steps to protect your eyes from sunlight and airborne hazards that may cause vision loss.

    1. Visit an eye doctor and have a complete eye examination every couple of years if you are over age 40. Children should have complete eye examinations at ages 6 months and 3 years. Youths age 4 to 19 should have the more basic eye screenings every year during medical checkups. People should have a complete eye exam at least once between ages 20 to 29, and twice between ages 30 and 39.
      • Make an appointment with an ophthalmologist if you have itching, swelling, puffiness, redness or irritation around the eye or eyelid. See a doctor if you have blurred vision or loss of vision. These conditions may be symptoms of eye disease.
      • The medical industry has made major advancements in treating eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration. If you have been diagnosed with glaucoma, macular degeneration or other eye disease, take your medications and follow the doctor's orders.
      • Ask your eye doctor about special prescription glasses for working on computers. The prescription for your regular glasses or contacts may not be right for computer work. Working on a computer can strain eyesight.
    2. Wear sunglasses treated with ultraviolet protection when outdoors. Reducing ultraviolet light exposure will prevent damage from sunlight. Brown cataracts, also called sunshine cataracts, and macular degeneration have been linked to exposure to sunlight.
      • Limit your time outdoors in the summer sun between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., especially if you already have eye disease. Sunlight strikes the Earth at less of an angle and is more intense when high overhead in midday and in summer.
    3. Wear eye protection when working in industrial situations or using power tools and when playing sports. Eye injuries resulting in vision loss or blindness may happen when working around airborne or hazardous materials.
    4. Maintain a healthy weight, eat proper nutrition and get exercise to help prevent diabetes and diabetes-related eye disorders and blindness. The improved circulation of blood that comes with a getting good nutrition and exercise will also help keep eyes healthy.
      • If you have diabetes, maintain careful control in order to help prevent diabetic retinopathy, which can result in blindness.
      • To get proper nutrition eat lean meats, low-fat dairy, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, whole grains. Cook with fats derived from plants like canola oil, nut oils or olive oil.
    5. Consume certain foods and drinks that may help prevent eye disease. Drink green tea, carrot juice and eat carrots, tomatoes, peaches, papaya, mangoes, garlic, spinach, turkey, chicken, nuts, sunflower seeds and yogurt. These foods contain vitamins, minerals and other chemicals that may help keep eyes healthy.
    6. Ask your doctor about vitamin and dietary supplements that research has shown may prevent or even reverse eye disease. Studies have shown taurine, R-lipoic acid, xanthophylls, bilberry, quercetin, gingko biloba, zinc, carnosine and vitamins A, C and E to be healthy for eyes.
    7. Get adequate sleep every night so your eyes are rested and not strained.
    8. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration that can damage eyes.
    9. Avoid rubbing your eyes if your eyes itch or feel tired.
    Source: www.Wikihow.com

    Six Kick Fight bad breath odor

    As beautiful and as handsome as any, people will lose appeal if it has the smell of bad breath. That is why maintaining oral health and fresh breath is important to support the appearance of perfection.

    To stay confident with fresh breath, consider the following tips, as quoted from Shine:
    WaterBad breath odor can occur when bacteria break down proteins in the tongue of food, especially sugar and dairy products that can remove sulfur compounds. And you need to know, the enemy of bacteria in the mouth is the oxygen that is found in saliva.
    "Drinking water makes you produce more saliva, which in turn neutralize bad breath odor caused by bacteria," says Harold Katz, a dentist in Los Angeles and founder TheraBreath.com.
    Some drugs, like antidepressants, blood pressure medications, and antihistamines, can cause dry mouth. If you are taking drugs, you must increase your water intake. Depalan glasses a day, is the ideal water consumption is highly recommended.
    VegetablesVegetables contain fiber, such as celery and cucumber, also increases the production of saliva a powerful sweep of bacteria that cause bad odor mut. Using a piece of cucumber to sweep the tongue and palate in the oral cavity for about 90 seconds to help repel any bad breath.
    "Vegetables are crisp can also help remove plaque on teeth and gums, which can feed on bacteria," said Gregg Lituchy, a cosmetic dentist in New York City.
    Effect bidder breath odor smell is also owned parsley. As you dine, do not hesitate to chew the leaves are often used as garnish it.
    Green teaA 2007 study at the University of British Columbia found that the polyphenols in green tea reduce sulfur compounds in the mouth. Be sure to drink without sugar or milk. Add sugar or milk will increase the bacteria.
    The study also showed that green tea can help prevent gum disease. While the content of mint in the tea also has the benefit of neutralizing the odor smell after eating garlic.
    Tea-tree oil"Derivatives of vegetable oil has antibacterial properties," says Margo Marrone, a pharmacist based in London.
    Drops of tea oil to a toothbrush to brush the back of the tongue and gums. Afterwards rinse with water. This method is powerful to kill some bacteria, causing bad breath, which is hidden in the oral cavity. However, this method is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.
    Chewing gumOnce again, bad breath can be prevented by increasing saliva production. Chewing gum can increase saliva production up to 10 times. "But remember chewing gum containing sugar can produce sulfur compounds," said Robin Lucas, a dentist in Hoboken, New Jersey.
    We recommend that you select free gum containing sugar or natural sweetener such as sugar alcohols such as xylitol and sorbitol. Try eating chewing gum with natural sweetness.