
Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Men at Risk of Cervical Esophageal Cancer Virus

Cancer of the cervix or the cervix into the highest killer of women with cancer in the world. Along ferocity, a cancer that is generally triggered Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) could be a serious threat to man.
In men, the transmission of the virus occurs mainly by sexual contact or oral sex with women who develop cervical cancer. This is recorded in a number of studies that show men with spikes of the mouth or throat cancer associated with HPV.
"(Transmission) not just because of sex per se, but it can be contagious because oral sex, anal sex and manual genital contact," said Dr Enny Setyowati Pamuji, before the participants of the seminar 'Cervical Cancer Early Know', in Yogyakarta on Saturday, 29 in October 2011.
Dr. Eni said that cervical cancer ranks first of many cases of cancer in Indonesia. He reveals as much data in which 700 women died from cancer ferociously. Every day, found 40 new cases of cervical cancer.
Increased risk of cervical cancer in women smokers, those who like to keep changing intimate partner, get married early age, and those affected by HIV / AIDS.
The majority of cervical cancers occur due to exposure to HPV. Viruses are very small, not more than 55 nanometers. "It has hundreds of types, namely 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 41, 51, 52, 56, and 58 are most commonly found in cancers," he said. "HPV types 16 or 18, represents about 70 percent of the causes of cervical cancer."
In addition to cancer, HPV also can cause genital warts, vulvar cancer and vaginal cancer. "HPV infection itself is not cause symptoms. Even people who are infected may not realize when it's already infected and even infect other people," he said.
In women, new symptoms appear when it has developed into cancer, such as vaginal discharge that does not heal, and specifically it is whitish colored turbid and foul smelling. Bleeding after sex, and bleeding outside the menstrual cycle.
Therefore need early detection by several methods such as pap smear, thin prep techniques, and IVA. "It would be better if put through prevention by acting healthy lifestyle, screening, early detection, vaccination to develop immunity," he said.

Source: www.vivanews.com

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