
Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

White Water, Reduce Cancer Risk

Bladder cancer is one type of deadly disease more often among men than women. Typically, the attack at the age range 50 to 80 years. In order to minimize the risk of this disease, try the regular drinking water in sufficient doses.

As reported by the Telegraph, a survey of 48 thousand men found that those who drink water 2531 ml, or nearly 4.5 liters per day had a 24 percent lower risk of bladder cancer than those who do not.

Water intake makes bladder cancer-causing agents shed before these cells develop into cancer.

Researchers from Brown University tried to analyze the responses to questionnaires from the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, which conducted a survey of men aged 40 years for over 22 years.

The respondents were asked about how much fluid they drink regularly in an interval of four years. Results showed that the benefits of drinking the water appears when a young man, and the tendency of cancer growth is weaker with age.

The study results presented at a conference of cancer in the United States also showed that men reduce their fluid intake when they get older.

So, keep drinking water regularly to keep the body healthy enough away from cancer.

Source: www.vivanews.com

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