
Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Study: Breast Cancer Diabetes Attack Women

Not only tormented must undergo a strict diet or insulin dependency, women with diabetes are also susceptible to breast cancer.

A study in Canada found that women with diabetes have the possibility of developing breast cancer greater than those who did not suffer from diabetes.
This is not the first time that diabetes was associated with an increased risk of cancer. And, finding this time also gives clues as to why doctors have not found many cases of breast cancer in women with diabetes.
The researchers can not explain in detail whether diabetes trigger the growth of breast cancer. Or, just a coincidence because of their relationship with diabetes should undergo a thorough medical examination, including breast cancer screening with mammmogram.
"We're still wondering whether the relationship that we see (between diabetes and cancer), is related to the fact that people with diabetes go to the doctor more often, so the data is recorded," said Jeffrey Johnson, a doctor from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, who worked the study.
The researchers then led to arguments about the bad lifestyle could trigger the development of diabetes and breast cancer, such as smoking, unhealthy eating and intake. These bad lifestyle will affect insulin and blood sugar levels which in turn stimulates the growth of breast tumors.
Johnson and his team analyzed the health data of about 170 thousand women in British Columbia. Half diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. After monitoring for four to five years later, 2,400, or about 1.4 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer.
They found that postmenopausal women with diabetes tend to be diagnosed with breast cancer than those without diabetes. While women aged 55 years and over with diabetes had 30 percent increased risk of developing breast cancer.
However, researchers still see it as a chance statistical findings. "Many things happen in this relationship (diabetes and cancer) and that is just one part only," he said. "We are still in early stages of understanding these linkages in detail."
Hormone expert from Harvard Medical School, Boston, Dr. Christos Mantzoros, draw some conclusions that link the two diseases.
First, the increase in breast cancer diagnosis could be because women with diabetes diligently perform medical tests clearly recorded so easy when you experience breast cancer. Secondly, the disease may have the same root causes that influence each other.
"Therefore, women with diabetes should be more alert to the risks that exist. They must immediately perform a scan to find irregularities health-related diabetes health, including breast cancer," says Mantzoros.

Source: www.vivanews.com

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