
Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Risk Beyond Sugar-Free Chewing Gum

Dentists often recommend that patients chew sugarless gum after meals when unable to brush your teeth immediately. In addition to cleaning teeth of food scraps, sugar-free gum containing xylitol and sorbitol are healthier without sugar content.

Based on the latest research published in the British Dental Journal, these recommendations should be traced back. Scientists found that the habit of chewing sugar-free gum even more rapidly destroys the teeth.

Experts who conducted the study say, sugar-free gum is not a healthy option for teeth. Foods labeled "sugar free 'is a source of risk to health.

As quoted Genius Beauty, according to experts, despite the fact xylitol and sorbitol in chewing gum reduces the likelihood of tooth decay, two similar materials spice 'acid' in the teeth. That is, will increase the acidity, which will eventually erode tooth enamel. Acidification is also expected to affect the body, such as the presence of indigestion and diarrhea.

The study also confirms the findings of other scientists that the product is sugar-free products are not beneficial to lose weight.

Source: www.vivanews.com

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